Americas Cup ‐ 2021 - Race 7 and 8
What a dramatic Americas Cup race. Yesterday's race was cancelled due to light winds. But light winds actually make for a more interesting race.
If you missed it, here's the link. Its worth watching.
With winds over 12kts, the race can feel like more of a parade. The boat that selected the best sail, or the boat that wins the start wins the race.
If the winds are light, like they were today, around 8kts, there is a chance the boats fall of their foils. If this happens it dramatically changes the race. We saw this in the Prada Cup, the feeder series of the Americas Cup. Today was the first time we had light patchy winds in the Americas Cup, and it was super exciting.
It can be tricky to follow the racing from the water with a poor angle. With a lag in the broadcast coverage you are constantly trying to piece together a strange view and a delayed commentary.
We managed to get a good spot overlooking the downwind gate. This worked really well as it meant we could see up the entire course.
The two races today were some of the best we've seen. The first race had a close start, a 50 degree wind shift, and the first overtaking manoeuvre of the series. Team New Zealand took the race, and the spectator fleet went wild!
In the second race the breeze dropped to 8kts, but the teams kept their sail choices from the first race. J2 for EtNZ and J1 for Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli.
It was another close start, but Luna Rossa seemed to clinch it. EtNZ were holding on, but in the second leg they came off thier foils. They got back on, but the Italian team had already gained a large lead by this point. From the water it looked like they lead by an entire leg.
The wind shifted left, from 35 to around 8 degrees true. It fell from 12kts in the first race to below 8kts, the race looked like it would go to Prada. They already had a huge lead, and were on a bigger jib, so should favor the conditions. Then, as LRPP approached the downwind gate, they made a critical mistake, and came off their folis. The race committee shortened the course to five legs.
EtNZ caught up, and passed on the downwind gate. The team had a huge cheer from the spectator fleet only meters from the gate, we were in perfect position to see the pivotal moment.
EtNZ went on to complete the next leg, and then the final leg. In the light conditions every tack was edge of the seat, as the lead could just as easly be lost if they fell into the water. But, they won, the and Kiwi spirits are high tonight.
This leaves team New Zealand ahead 5 - 3. The winner of the Americas Cup is best of 13, the first team to 7 wins.